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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Immediate Failures and Demerit Points

I will go through all the Immediate Failures and Demerit Points when taking your TP test for a 2B license. To be able to pass your license you will need 18 points or below.

There are a total of 22 Immediate Failures for 2B license TP. These are things you should NOT do if you want to pass your license.

1) Run off course/ Strike kerb/ Foot touches ground/ Fall off motorcycle at S course
2) Run off course/ Strike kerb/ Foot touches ground/ Fall off motorcycle at Crank course
3) Run off course/ Strike kerb/ Foot touches ground/ Fall off motorcycle at Slalom (Pylon course)
4) Run off course/ Strike kerb/ Foot touches ground/ Fall off motorcycle at Plank

5) Strike / Skip Pylon

6) Taking more than 13 sec at S course
7) Taking more than 8 sec at Crank course
8) Taking more than 8 sec at Slalom (Pylon course)
9) Taking less than 3 sec at Plank

10) Roll backwards more than 0.5m at Slope

11) Unable to stop within stipulated distance at Emergency braking course
12) Lose control of motorcycle at Emergency braking course

13) Change lane without due care

14) Fail to give way to pedestrian at Pedestrian Crossing
15) Fail to give way to vehicle with right-of-way

16) Fail to form up correctly at junction
17) Remain in junction and cause obstruction
18) Proceed on Red light
19) Fail to obey Mandatory / Prohibitory Sign
20) Fail to stop at stop line

21) Improper action causing accident / near accident
22) Proceed on wrong course

The next to avoid doing are these as they incur 10 Demerit points.
1) Stopping on Pedestrian Crossing
2) Slow reaction in avoiding danger caused by others.

These actions incur 8 Demerit points.
1) Not enough side clearance given to other road users
2) Fail to take precaution against pedestrian/cyclist
3) Cause other vehicle to slow down or take evasive action
4) Proceed on Amber light / Flickering Green Arrow

These incur 6 Demerit Points.
1) Taking more than 12 sec at S course
2) Taking more than 7 sec at Crank course
3) Taking more than 7 sec at Slalom (Pylon course)
4) Taking less than 4 sec at Plank

5) Fail to attain the required speed at Emergency braking course

6) Fail to keep left (road hogging)
7) Fail to keep a safe following distance
8) Fail to keep within lane at bend
9) Change lane at bend

10) Fail to slow down when approaching road hazard

11) Cause inconvenience to cross traffic at junction

These actions incur 4 Demerit Points.  
1) Taking more than 11 sec at S course
2) Taking more than 6 sec at Crank course
3) Taking more than 6 sec at Slalom (Pylon course)
4) Taking less than 6 sec at Plank

5) Incorrect posture during Emergency braking course

6) Change lane abruptly
7) Wobble when changing lane / negotiating bend / turning

8) Fail to change to appropriate gear before turning / stopping

9) Improper turning (Incorrect lane)

10) Fail to check blind spot
11) Fail to look out for traffic at Junction

12) Fail to signal / Give wrong signal
13) Fail to cancel signal twice

These actions incur 2 Demerit Points.
1) Excessive revving of engine at slope

2) Incorrect technique at Emergency braking course

3) Incorrect posture when moving off / stopping
4) Delay in moving off
5) Poor acceleration
6) Wobble when moving off / stopping
7) Stall engine repeatedly
8) Slow in restarting stalled engine

9) Speed too slow

10) Fail to overtake when necessary
11) Brake whilst negotiating bend / turning
12) Unnecessary stopping

13) Incorrect positioning at Junction
14) Improper turning (Wide turn / Sharp turn)

15) Improper checking of blind spot
16) Fail to look out for traffic from side road

17) Fail to signal in good time

It is impossible to not get a single demerit point during your test but try your best to minimise the demerit points and don't get a single immediate failure.

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